Test Attribute #1 – Validity
In my last post, I created a list of test attributes. If one of them isn’t ok, you need to do some fixin’. This is the first of a series of posts that is going to discuss the different faces Read more…
In my last post, I created a list of test attributes. If one of them isn’t ok, you need to do some fixin’. This is the first of a series of posts that is going to discuss the different faces Read more…
When we’re unit testing, we focus on the scenario we want to test, and then write that unit test. Pretty simple, right? That’s how are are minds work. we can’t focus on many things at the same time. TDD acknowledges Read more…
I’ve been thinking about what makes TDD fail, and there are obviously few reasons that were discussed to death (Get it? Dead? TDD? Ok, let’s move on). There’s a pattern I see when working with beginners. I’m talking about TDD Read more…
What make unit tests different than other tests? They are full of FAIL. Going to the Wikipedia definition, you’ll get a vague and unhelpful description, and to summarize: It tests a small piece of code. In what language? What is Read more…