When we’re testing an application, features, or APIs, we usually think about what they do, the functional stuff. But today, it’s even more important to address how they do that functional stuff. Enter NFRs: Non-Functional Requirements.

Testing NFRs requires a different mindset, separate skills and tools. More than before, we need to add them into our testing bag-of-tricks. NFRs include security, usability, accessibility, performance, reliability and a whole lot more.

Understanding NFRs is crucial for how to handle them in test, even before we start, and when we get to reporting them.

In this webinar, you’ll learn:

  • What are Non-Functional Requirements and how they compare to “regular” requirements
  • What is their impact on testing.
  • Aspects of NFRs in web and API testing
  • How we should incorporate test planning, design and execution for NFRs
  • Testing tools for NFRs

Who Should Attend: This webinar is perfect for QA professionals, testers, and developers looking to enhance their understanding of NFRs and how to test them effectively.

July 16th, 2024, 10 AM CET

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