Testing APIs seems simple. You can check them off, one after another.
But is that really testing the product? Can you say that it actually works, and if it works well?

You need an actual test plan, not a check list.

In this webinar, I’ll discuss what test planning and design are, and how they apply to APIs. We’ll go over SFDIPOT, a test strategy heuristic that helps thinking about different aspects of quality, and derive test cases from there.

And of course we’ll see our plan in action – testing APIs with Postman, understanding the results and what we can learn on the way.

Building a test plan is one of the most valuable skills of testers. It’s also where creativity comes into play, and why people really enjoy the process of building it.

APIs love it when a plan comes together. Let’s create one.

The webinar will take place on March 2nd, 2023, 5 pm CET.

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