Everybody loves lists. Everybody loves tips. Everybody loves a good webinar.
And everybody who writes web tests should try Playwright.

Playwright has a lot of things I like, because of the thinking behind it – Playwright is designed for creating better web tests. Isolation of tests, concise and readability.

That’s what we’ve got this webinar for. Tips on ways to use Playwright, to not just create tests. Tests that will serve you once they work, and as your code moves on forward.

If you’re aching whenever you need to get back to your web tests. If you’re tests break for no apparent reason. Or even if you like your tests to read like a user workflow, not an HTML parser – this webinar is for you.

The webinar is intended for web developers and test automation experts.

In this Playwright Webinar you’ll learn:

– Priniciples of writing web tests with Playwright.
– How to write web tests that are readable and maintainable.
– How to use effective patterns for better tests.

The webinar is inteded for testers and developers who want to understand automated web testing.

June 18th, 2024, 10 AM, CET


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